Saturday, January 9, 2010

Chain of Thought (AKA a massive rant)


I wonder why the term "cow" is such a derogatory insult?

I mean, cows are just doing what they're meant to be doing. We have no business in judging them.

If it's because they are rather large, well, if they were skinny then they'd die.

That sounds counterproductive to me.

Isabella hates it when I rant like this.

Eh, she can go screw a goat.

Actually, no, I like goats.

When we saw those goats at that abandoned farm, I really wanted to take home the little cute ones.

Trespassing, eh?

Not only were we trespassing, we kinda out some of their food.

My friend started drinking the alcoholic cider.

That shit tasted baaad.

I don't much care for alcohol, when I think about it.

It makes me gag.

It's liquid doom, I tell you.


When I say "doom" in my head, it's usually in a weird voice.

Much like the voice I use when I'm trying to pressure my friends into doing something.

"Dooooooo it... Peeeer pressuuuure..."

They usually end up doing what I say...

Wait, do they?

No, not really.

I really liked that old typewriter I saw at the abandoned farm.

I'd like to take a few photos here and there.

Photography is pretty rad.

Apparently I have to take 'artistic' shots at the Wharf to Waves.

Wow, fun.

There's nothing I like more than taking photos of people swimming.

Although, this gives me an excuse to take shots of attractive males around my age.

No more lurking in the shadows for me!

Apparently I am meant to wear a tag and everything :/

"Official Photographer".

How embarrassing.

My Mum can also be embarrassing.

There are times that we'd be driving along and she'd start dancing (while driving) to the song on the radio.

Usually when there are some of my friends in the car.

I wonder how long this thing has gone for...

Are you still reading this?!

If you are... then that might be a little sad.

Do you just sit around and read this kind of crap?

This is quality crap.

It is, although, somewhat therapeutic.

Well, if I am bagging you out, faithful reader, for reading this...

... then that is the height of hypocrisy!

I'm the one writing this thing!

Though I do like writing.

English is one of my favoured subjects...

But Adriane stole my award!

What a bitch.

Naaah, Adriane's cool.

I'm just going to have to burn her ass next time.

And then people will RECOGNISE!

Ahahahaa Scrubs.

I'm about to do a marathon of Scrubs, actually.

With Isabella.

She's probably waiting for me to stop this now.

I don't like the look of her...

Her snide remarks and sniggers indicate a real smartass indeed.

I will not tolerate such insolence!

I quite like that word.

This morning I was ranting about my toast being insolent.

That was some really good toast.

Homemade bread and jam?!


+ 10 cool points.

Hmmm... I wonder where I got that point system from.

Isabella claims it was her, but I know better.

We always argue about who came up with what.

I think neither of us came up with this one, but still.

She totally stole one of my lines!!

"I have awesome shining out of my every orifice."

She just varied it!

"I have awesome oozing out of my every orifice."

Mine is better.

My God, this has gone on for a while.

My sincerest apologies!

Here, take this visual souvenir as a token:

So that was my Chain of Thought today, that's the kinda thing I think about... though possibly a slightly censored version. Everyone's got their secrets, I s'pose.
That's enough from the prodding fetishist now,
Thez x

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Allow me to introduce...


Cedric is my Christmas present - a Tanglewood Evolution Series semi-acoustic :D

I've been playing a lot lately.

Now, I know I haven't really blogged for a long time, but it's only because my life has been so utterly MIND-BLOWING that I haven't gotten around to it. Oh, I can tell you many a story that is full of wonders such as epic battles, bad-ass bubbles and rabid transvestites. But that's far too long to type for someone as tired as I am right now. Sorry.

Instead, I will tell you why I am tired. That's much more exciting.

WELL. Last night I couldn't sleep at all. I am such an insomniac that I inadvertadly pulled an all-nighter. By myself. In my bed. All alone.

I looked at the clock at about 4:30 in the morning and thought, "Something must be done about this!" So, naturally, I went out to the kitchen and drank some apple juice and had some dry cerial, because I am obviously just another Kellog's Crunchy Nut. >_<

Anyway, I looked out the window and noticed that it was beginning to lighter and thought to myself, "Hey, seeing as though I probably won't sleep, why don't I go to the beach and take photos of the sunrise?" This is something I haven't actually done before, so soon enough I was running down to the beach in shoes that were really not suited for neither running nor the beach.

Anywho, here's a shot:

Anyhow, I think I will finish this blog off with a joke:

A man went to see a doctor - a female doctor who was very beautiful. The doctor told him to stop masturbating and the man said "Why?" and she said, "Because I'm trying to examine you."

I went and saw Jimeoin. It was pretty funny :D.

That's enough from the prodding fetishist right now,

Thez x

PS. Somebody make my blog pretty! D:

Thursday, December 3, 2009


I just had to blog this photo. It's just so classic.

It's crap resolution because I stole it from Facebook D:

Thez x

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wow. That's funny. Just let me write that down.

Dear Toothfairy,
Why are you such a fucking bitch?
Why do you reckon that you can have perfectly straight teeth when I get these wonky pieces of crap? Look at you, sitting on your toothy throne, eating toothpaste. You make me sick.
I would also like to lodge a complaint; I believe I did not receive my gold coin for the tooth I lost when I was 7. Also, when I got three teeth removed by the dentist I did not receive compensation. I expect my paycheck next Monday.

Sincerely yours,


PS. Can you pretty pretty please fix my teeth? I'll pay you in back rubs!

--That spectacular letter is what I did in Geography yesterday. My friend requested that I post it, even though nobody really cares.

And here is a photo of some of the delightfully random crap at my Grandfather's house.
How sprightly.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Stalking Teachers

I just thought outline my day, because I've been slack with blogging. Even if nobody really cares, I'll do it anyway.

Yesterday was productive day (it did not include any homework).

I felt oddly social, y'see, I met up with some friends at the beach. This means lots of splashing, tanning, laughing, cross-dressing (hang on, what?), junk food and fake orgasm noises (what?!). It also means the repeated exclamation of the word "salmon", a joke that I still don't fully understand but is kinda funny anyway.

(Biggest orgy since the Beatles - whoever came up with that, my hat goes off to you)

Anywho, after hanging around with numerous people at the beach, I went to Isabella's house for a while before my mother came and picked me up. All we did at this point was take some totally original trampoline and aviator photos (we also put chicken feathers in my hair - everyone rejoice!)

Quote: "I'ma go all Pocahontas on your ass."

So then my mother came and dragged me to dinner with family friends, when at this point I would have much preferred staying at home being antisocial. We went to their house near bar beach and everyone commented about the fact that I looked tired and sunburned. Eventually, the parents told us to go down to the beach to put prawns in the bin there (they didn't want to put it in their own bin because it would smell) and what should we find there? A teacher party. The weirdest thing I have ever witnessed. Mr Rodda with a social life? Never.

Anyway, it was Ms McGown's birthday party so I went down there to see if I could find her son, but I didn't see him there, so all that I did was have a semi-awkward conversation and then ran out. Something I found funny that I observed was the fact that most of them were wearing party hats. How adorable. Lolololol.

That party was totally "off da hook".

Now off to do some homework that I could have done hours ago!

Thez x

PS: Prod :D.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Like, ZOMG, it's says 'PROD'.

Well I thought it was funny.

Friday, October 23, 2009

My Monologue Lasts For, Like, 45 Lines.

So we've come back to school... It's as crap as I expected.

Well, it's not so bad. At lunch times my friends and I tend to revert back to the age of 10 and hit a big bouncy ball around. I suspect this new one will soon pop like the others.

Anyway, we have a few assignments (yay, I got a new one in HSIE today - my life rules) but the one in particular that I'm thinking about the most is an analysis of a monologue from Romeo and Juliet. In the format of a speech. Fuuck.
Our monologue is only meant to go for 15 lines, but as I have already outlined in the title, mine goes for about 45. Now, this isn't the most intelligent path to take because speeches are my weak spot. I don't know, there's just something about them that really gets to me.

Moving onto a particularly lighter note, I just discovered that being a target for a water balloon slinger is funner than I expected. I almost got hit in the face with a water balloon going at like 60km/h. I was running towards it to intercept but then realised that I was about to be smacked so I dodged just in time. We were on the beach and it was pretty dark so you can't even see the water balloons coming for you.

Ah, good times.

Tonight was topped off with a slushie and a beuno. :D.

Yeah, me just straddling the air. As I do sometimes. This was ages ago, though.