Saturday, November 14, 2009

Stalking Teachers

I just thought outline my day, because I've been slack with blogging. Even if nobody really cares, I'll do it anyway.

Yesterday was productive day (it did not include any homework).

I felt oddly social, y'see, I met up with some friends at the beach. This means lots of splashing, tanning, laughing, cross-dressing (hang on, what?), junk food and fake orgasm noises (what?!). It also means the repeated exclamation of the word "salmon", a joke that I still don't fully understand but is kinda funny anyway.

(Biggest orgy since the Beatles - whoever came up with that, my hat goes off to you)

Anywho, after hanging around with numerous people at the beach, I went to Isabella's house for a while before my mother came and picked me up. All we did at this point was take some totally original trampoline and aviator photos (we also put chicken feathers in my hair - everyone rejoice!)

Quote: "I'ma go all Pocahontas on your ass."

So then my mother came and dragged me to dinner with family friends, when at this point I would have much preferred staying at home being antisocial. We went to their house near bar beach and everyone commented about the fact that I looked tired and sunburned. Eventually, the parents told us to go down to the beach to put prawns in the bin there (they didn't want to put it in their own bin because it would smell) and what should we find there? A teacher party. The weirdest thing I have ever witnessed. Mr Rodda with a social life? Never.

Anyway, it was Ms McGown's birthday party so I went down there to see if I could find her son, but I didn't see him there, so all that I did was have a semi-awkward conversation and then ran out. Something I found funny that I observed was the fact that most of them were wearing party hats. How adorable. Lolololol.

That party was totally "off da hook".

Now off to do some homework that I could have done hours ago!

Thez x

PS: Prod :D.

1 comment:

  1. The Salmon joke doesn't work because you're just copying it off Hammond and his group. Otherwise, I saw Bayden in town yesterday. He was with his sister and her friends so I pretended not to notice him. Joyous days.
