Saturday, October 24, 2009


Like, ZOMG, it's says 'PROD'.

Well I thought it was funny.

Friday, October 23, 2009

My Monologue Lasts For, Like, 45 Lines.

So we've come back to school... It's as crap as I expected.

Well, it's not so bad. At lunch times my friends and I tend to revert back to the age of 10 and hit a big bouncy ball around. I suspect this new one will soon pop like the others.

Anyway, we have a few assignments (yay, I got a new one in HSIE today - my life rules) but the one in particular that I'm thinking about the most is an analysis of a monologue from Romeo and Juliet. In the format of a speech. Fuuck.
Our monologue is only meant to go for 15 lines, but as I have already outlined in the title, mine goes for about 45. Now, this isn't the most intelligent path to take because speeches are my weak spot. I don't know, there's just something about them that really gets to me.

Moving onto a particularly lighter note, I just discovered that being a target for a water balloon slinger is funner than I expected. I almost got hit in the face with a water balloon going at like 60km/h. I was running towards it to intercept but then realised that I was about to be smacked so I dodged just in time. We were on the beach and it was pretty dark so you can't even see the water balloons coming for you.

Ah, good times.

Tonight was topped off with a slushie and a beuno. :D.

Yeah, me just straddling the air. As I do sometimes. This was ages ago, though.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Brilliant face-drawing.

So the other day I wore a wedding dress in the bush while a seedy-looking male took many photos of me.

I'll show you the shot of the day once my photos finally UPLOAD. I think I will mentally prod my computer until it is complete.

Anywho, so here I am walking around in the bush in heels (mild discomfort) posing for some lovely/retarded photos with Danielle. Our 'story' for the photo shoot was that Danielle and I are lesbian lovers about to be married but then I am brokenhearted for Danielle bailed on the wedding.
It's a very deep and wonderful story.

We walked to the beach and took some very stressful photos on the rocks. The wind and the dress was affecting my balance, making me feel very unbalanced indeed. I must have looked graceful.


But I like this photo anyway. I am a cloud.
Good work, Nick. Snaps for you.
Peacock feathers are rather fun, no?

And hooray for it is Danielle! Isn't that smashing in a somewhat sinister way?

Until next time I can be bothered to do this.

Thez x

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Another shot of the day.

There were raindrops on mah camera. D:

I like monochrome. How brilliant.

In the morning sun the dew drops glisten
Vivid red of sun, rising over sea
With your eyes you see, with your ears; listen
To the carefree birds twit'ring in the tree

Thez x

Late night beach bonfires and illness.

I feel pretty horrible. I guess I'll start from the start.

So. A friend of mine came down from Sydney (Cassie) and stayed at my house with another friend (Asha). We had a lovely time. Asha and I thought it funny how Cassie was so different to us, mainly because she lived in the city. When she first came she was quite uptight and would always say how her and her friends would never do this or that. Asha and I ended up educating her how to be laid back.

Anywho, we hung aroung at my house and the next day we went to town and introduced Cassie to some of our friends. She told us that the time she's been down here is the funnest time she's had in quite a while. That made us feel quite dandy.

We then stayed at Asha's and started collecting firewood for our the bonfire we were planning. Unfortunately, when it came round to lighting it, we were kinda unsuccessful. The wood we collected was a bit wet, and it started raining slightly. But we had fun nonetheless.

So all of this was rather awesome.

However, then something terrible happened. I had been feeling sick all night and at like 5:00 I got up and had a disgusting experience. So this blog is prodding all the spoilers in life. I was having such great fun and then the next day I'm vomiting. I haven't eaten anything so I can't tell the difference between being sick and feeling hungry.

I'm disliking being me right now. I think I might have resort to jabbing and facepalming.

That's quite enough whining from me now.

Thez x

PS: I'd also like to prod Nick, just because I can. Facepalm too.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Shot of the day.

It's not that great but there you go.


Monday, October 5, 2009

The prod-worthy.

You know someone else I'd like to prod right now?

It's that idiot.

You know the one :)

So irritated right now.

Friday, October 2, 2009

People I like to prod

So now I've decided to blog about people that annoy me/make me laugh/prod anyway.

You know who I really like to prod? Nerds. I know a lot of them.

Now, I'm not saying that I am not a nerd myself. Trust me, I have had my fair share of "nerdy tendencies" in the past. However, the kind of nerds I'm talking about (a few of which I am friends with) are the GAMERS.
All they seem to talk about is games. For instance, once I overheard them talking about guns and which ones are better to shoot. So I say, "Wow, you've fired a gun?" and they say "Ha, no. In a game, we have."

You may not know whether you're one of these prod-worthy people. Allow me to make a list of dorky characteristics to make things easier for you.

  • You play either Runescape, World of Warcraft, Dofus, and you know the names of many other multi-player games on the net.
  • You know all the ins and outs with computers and therefore have felt a slight sexual thrill when you boot up your puta.
  • You know the digits of pi to at least 8 decimal places.
  • You often brag to people about how you're a level 86 mage or whatever.
  • You've memorized all the lines to every Monty Python skit (Monty Python is hilarious but people who know all the lines might be going a little too far).
  • You decide to create a whole website in dedication to Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings/other.
  • When learning about surds in maths and the answer is "5 root 4" you start laughing.
  • When a teacher is talking about a speech and uses the word "oral" you start laughing.
  • You have one of them loud and unnecessary laughs that sounds like a hyena/horse/some other retarded animal.
  • You are often shouting into your microphone, abusing the other players when playing xbox live (my brother).
  • You only made a Facebook/Myspace/other just to play on the applications.
  • If you made a Facebook/Myspace/other, you have under fifty friends (which is considered to be a pitiful amount).

Well, that's all that I really want to put in this blog, there are many more nerdy things you can do. I tried not to go too cliche, like saying you're a nerd if you wear glasses.

That is all.


PS. If you admit to doing any of the above things, I have just given you a "cyber-prod".


Just admit it already. Everyone likes prodding people to a certain extent.



*Prod prod*

Just think of this scenario - you're sitting there with nothing to do and there's this idiot in range that you love to annoy. What do you do? Prod them, of course.

Anywho, would you like a biscuit? Come have a seat in this cyber-beanbag, and we can discuss this problem. There are indeed pros and cons of prodding. As my teacher in PDHPE was telling us, one of the reasons why so many people turn to drugs is because a lack of information. It is much the same with prodding.

Good things about prodding:
1. You most likely succeed in irritating people.
2. It is very easy to do, even the most uncoordinated can master prodding.
3. When you are weaponless and you can't rely on your punching skills, prodding is a great way to get out of trouble.

Bad things about prodding:
1. Like me, your dad might be reading this blog and think it's funny so he starts prodding you. :|
2. That person you were annoying realizes that he/she can prod you back.
3. You can sometimes prod so hard, your fingers hurt.
4. (In response to good point number 3) If you're in a dangerous situation and resort to prodding, then you're pretty much screwed. I do not advise it.

Remember this stuff next time you prod.


PS. I also like stealing school hats but giving them back eventually.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Oh. It's you.


You just wait, okay?