Friday, October 2, 2009


Just admit it already. Everyone likes prodding people to a certain extent.



*Prod prod*

Just think of this scenario - you're sitting there with nothing to do and there's this idiot in range that you love to annoy. What do you do? Prod them, of course.

Anywho, would you like a biscuit? Come have a seat in this cyber-beanbag, and we can discuss this problem. There are indeed pros and cons of prodding. As my teacher in PDHPE was telling us, one of the reasons why so many people turn to drugs is because a lack of information. It is much the same with prodding.

Good things about prodding:
1. You most likely succeed in irritating people.
2. It is very easy to do, even the most uncoordinated can master prodding.
3. When you are weaponless and you can't rely on your punching skills, prodding is a great way to get out of trouble.

Bad things about prodding:
1. Like me, your dad might be reading this blog and think it's funny so he starts prodding you. :|
2. That person you were annoying realizes that he/she can prod you back.
3. You can sometimes prod so hard, your fingers hurt.
4. (In response to good point number 3) If you're in a dangerous situation and resort to prodding, then you're pretty much screwed. I do not advise it.

Remember this stuff next time you prod.


PS. I also like stealing school hats but giving them back eventually.


  1. Yes, Nick.

    It is so awesome, you are lost for words. It's only to be expected.
